Experience with HTML is helpful, but not necessary. Before we plan anything for our students we need to take the digital tools for a spin.
- Have a look at different map projections. Which rhetorical features are built in to each projection?
- Decide you want to plot
- Sketch your place marker pop-ups. What do they need to contain?
- Based on your sketch, decide on the columns you will need in your spreadsheet
- Build a tester spreadsheet with three locations, using either Excel or Google spreadsheets
- Sign in to Google Drive
- In Google Drive select Create> Connect More Apps. Search for "Fusion Tables" using the search field. Click on Fusion Tables to add it to your Google Drive account.
- In Google Drive select Create> More> Fusion Tables (experimental)
- Upload your spreadsheet
- Open Tools> Change window info layout…> Automatic. Try turning rows on and off to test what each row does
- Open Tools> Change window info layout…> Custom. You will recognize each line from the “Automatic” tab. Try editing the code directly to see what it does.
The Assignment
Learning Outcomes
What will students who have learned successfully from this assignment understand or be able to do?
Plan the Assignment
What are the steps in this assignment? How will the students experiment, build, and then communicate their work? How does this assignment fit in with the rest of the course?
Design a rubric that clearly articulates fair, good, and excellent process, product, and argument. Link the evaluation to the learning outcomes.
Tutorials and Guidelines
Cultural Context
- A list of Digital Humanities mapping projects
- HASTAC Forum questions for humanities mapping